19 Mar 6 Ways To Avoid Sports Injuries And Exercise Properly
Sports are popular because they are a fun way to exercise. However, it is important for you to take the steps necessary for protecting yourself from a sports injury. Ankle sprains, bruises, dehydration, abrasions, cuts, pulled hamstrings, stress fractures and groin pulls are examples of common sports injuries.
Sports injuries can be avoided in many cases. There are a number of things that a chiropractor El Segundo residents trust, recommends that you do to avoid an injury.
Warm Up
It is not a good idea to start working out without warming up. A warm up will loosen up your muscles and increase blood flow. A light jog is a great way to warm up. You should stretch after you warm up.
Wear Protective Gear
One of the best ways to protect against yourself from injury is to wear protective gear. The helmet is one of the most popular types of protective gear. Helmets should be worn during hockey, football, cricket and baseball. Other types of protective equipment that you can wear include knee guards, shin-guards, pads and mouth guards.
Healthy Diet
You should get plenty of protein because it will help you heal from injuries. It will also promote muscle growth. You will also need to drink a lot of water to avoid dehydration.
Rest and Early Intervention
The R.I.C.E. method is often the first line of treatment recommended sports medicine. R.I.C.E. is rest, ice, compression and elevation. Resting will minimize the pressure that is applied to the joint. Ice will reduce swelling. Compression will stop swelling and bleeding. You can apply a light pressure wrap to the area. Elevating the injured part of your body will drain the fluids.
Use Slow-Fast-Slow Rhythm
If you use slow-fast-slow training, then your heart will have an easier time beating at a high rate for a long period of time. It also circulates the oxygen at a slower rate. This makes it easier for you to work out longer.
Avoid Over-Stretching Yourself
If you are starting a new exercise routine, then you will need to start off slow. You will need to avoid overexerting yourself. Listen to your body and stop if necessary.